The meeting was called to order by President Top Gun (Chris Gallagher) after the passing of Star War’s Day (May the 4th be with you) and Cinco De Mayo Day.  However, this is a special day since our President will be off in Hawaii for the next few weeks leaving only six meetings to conduct during the remainder of his term.  Chris acknowledged and welcomed our teachers being honored today.  During the past year, Chris has reminded us that Holger Knaack, RI President Rotary theme this year is “Rotary Opens Opportunities” but few members remember due to varying degrees of dementia. 
Steve Wilcox was the Greeter for the day providing the club with Seven Rules in Life:
  1. Smile – It always works out in the end
  2. Be Kind – You have the power to make people feel good
  3. Don’t give up – If it doesn’t work the first time, find another way
  4. Don’t Compare – Everyone’s on a different journey
  5. Avoid Negativity – Avoid negative thoughts, situations, people
  6. Make Peace with Your Past – Focus on being present and making a better future
  7. Take care of your body and mind – One struggles to survive without the other
Steve could not stop smiling during the meeting having returned from his honeymoon in Hawaii marrying Gina.  Between the two of them, there are, count them, six children.  Steve’s eldest works in LA in the film industry.  His middle child is graduating from MVHS this year and off to University Arizona. Steve’s youngest is a sophomore at MVHS playing on the baseball team.  (Neglecting to mention, we all assumed that Gina’s three kids that she brings to the marriage are alive and well).  Steven is a partner at Summit Financial Group which has grown to 37 people.  Recently moved to Blackhawk, Steve loves to golf, travel and making a difference in the world.
Top Gun welcomed everyone to this May meeting with the short version of the Welcome Song: “Aloha”.  Top Gun announced that the Month of May was Youth Service Month.
Interact Update                                 Thomas Files, VP Communications                    
  • Game Night Fundraiser resulted in $90 in funds
  • Homeless Care Package Making  (March 31 - April 21)
Interactors made packages with one drink, three snacks, and one non-food item which will be donated to San Francisco City Impact
  • Iron Horse Trail Clean Up (April 24)
First in-person service event of the school year! 20 interactors participants.
Picked up plastic, glass, waste near Iron Horse Middle School section of the trail
  • Panera Bread Fundraiser (April 24)         
Dog Toy Event Part 2 (April 30)  Made dog toys out of old t-shirts with 15 interactors in attendance. Donating to a local animal shelter
  • Cards for Teachers Appreciation Week (May 2)
Made physical and digital cards for teachers with 10 interactors participating
  • Earth Day Gardening (April 21)
     Supplied each interactor with a small pot of purple kale sprouts to grow
  • Prep Book Drive (May 3 – June 4)
We are collecting donations of prep books for AP exams, SAT, ACT
Donating to a low-income school
  • Iron Horse Trail Clean Up Part 2 (May 22)
This time at Richard Fahey Village Green Park
-     T4 Fundraiser (May 22) - 10% Off
-     Design Workshop (May TBD)
      Working with San Ramon Youth Art Committee to create art workshop
Scholarships and stoles                                         Gary Sloan
San Ramon Rotary distributed stoles and scholarship checks and certificates to 13 stole recipients and 7 scholarship winners at the Cal High Turnaround where pictures were taken and the accomplishment of these outstanding students was celebrated.  A dozen Rotarians were on hand to insure a safe but celebratory atmosphere.  All names of the honorees were displayed on the electronic marque in front of the school.
Trinity Center                                                       Kerry Richards
Kerry reported on the very successful drive for food and clothing for the Trinity Center. Over $3,500 was donated to the Trinity Center.  In honor of our dear departed Don Jones, thousands of socks were collected along with a variety of essential items for the homeless.
Dublin Rotary Club                                                        Michael Robert
Michael announced that the Dublin club was conducting a “Lobster mania event” for $35 each which you can pick up or have delivered to your home. Not a lobster lover, consider donating a $50 bike sponsorship.
Children Hospital                                                                      Cheri Braga        
There will be a silent auction for the Children’s Hospital with a live event at 6pm.  Cheri’s daughter was crushed under a tree some years ago, requiring multiple surgeries and a 6-month hospitalization.  This is Cheri’s way to give something back.
Chris temporarily suspended recognitions and acknowledgement to recognize our educators of the year.