Congrats to our Mike "Lost Lamb" Sparkes aka "Spike" who won the coveted top spot in Rotary Central Melbourne's Trivia Night on November 5 in electrifying fashion. Bearbrass people, not to mention Sunrise Probus people, shine at all things trivial. We guess that Rotarians are so busy doing good in the world that they have no energy left over to memorise the capital of Ecuador and what baby lobsters are called. The Thursday quiz was doubly important because Rotary's organiser Rob Hines evolved it on the Kahoot! app and platform. This enabled all of us to vie for both speed of answer and accuracy, and at every step along the 50 questions, we were told how the leader board was looking, who had a run of 'wins' per questions, and how each of us was ranking.  This is all a breakthrough akin to the investion of the steam engine and the laser beam.  Anyway the three-way partnership between Rotary and our two Probus clubs is an excellent development and may even be unique in the metro area (in country towns clubs often blend). #