General Meeting – July 11, 2019
After a meal prepared by the Columbia Country Club the meeting was called to order by Julie McNeill, President.  It was attended by 36 members and guests.
The next general meeting will be August 1, 2019.
July 30th there will be a three-club social at Nifong Park.  Our new International President, Judy Weitkemper will speak.  More information will be sent out.
(It was announced that) Columbia Agriculture Park will have (had) their dedication on Saturday the 13th at 9:00am.
Social at Serenity Valley Winery will be August 17,2019.  A flyer will be sent out.
Committee chairpersons and committee members are needed.  See John Hubert to find your place and sign up.
Dayton Shepard gave us the run-down on the bylaw changes that were discussed at the International meeting in Chicago.
Perfect Attendance:
Information from the by-laws was read to explain how perfect attendance is achieved.
Past president’s gift and pin:
The past president’s pin was awarded by Dayton Shepherd.  Julie will also receive a brick for the Cosmo wall.
Past president’s remarks:
Julie gave a recap of the year – citing the many fun activities we did together. Appreciation was shown by the club giving Julie a standing ovation.
Julie presented the following awards:
          Patrick J. Hodgins:                  Jan Berry
          Cosmo of the year:                Bill Tetro
          Rookie of the year:                Sara Echternach
          Rookie of the year:                Tim Echternach
She also presented gifts to board members.
Introduction and installation of officers:
The new President of Cosmopolitan International, Judy Weitkemper, was introduced.  Judy installed the new officers for the 2019 – 2020 year.
New President’s speech:
John Hubert talked about what makes a club great:   The members make a club great. 
John presented some of the things he wants to do to help us get to know each other and support each other.
Some of his goals are:  1Increase membership – (each member bring in one member)
     2.  Work together – (reach out to the community)
50/50 Raffle:
Jamie Linder reported a total of $76.00 received.  Bill Giddings was the winner with $36.00 to Bill and $36.00 to the club.
John Kadlec made the motion to adjourn.  Brett Benton seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned after the members repeated the pledge to the flag.