Director of Santee Lakes Park and Recreation discussing the Santee Lakes Master Plan
May 10, 2018 12:30 PM
Laura Koval
Director of Santee Lakes Park and Recreation discussing the Santee Lakes Master Plan

Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve hosts over 660,000 visitors a year. The 190‐acre Park with 7 beautiful recycled water lakes that are stocked with sport fish year-round.  The Park provides amenities including camping, cabin rentals, fishing, boating, special events, playgrounds, walking trails, and approximately 230 bird species. Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve is owned and operated by Padre Dam Municipal Water District. It is self‐sustaining, receiving no funds from water/sewer ratepayers or taxpayer subsidies. The Park operates from user fees, grants and awards and collaborations with community groups and organization partnerships.

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