What was the first sign of civilization in a culture? When famous anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked this question, everyone expected her to talk about hooks, clay pots or whetstones. But her answer was “a femur (thigh bone) that had healed from a break. “If you break your leg and nobody assists you, you die. A broken femur healed is evidence that someone cared for the injured, treated the wound, took the person to safety and cared for them till they recovered. Helping someone through difficulty is where civilization begins.” Jacob Burak, ‘How to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat’
Hi Darling,
I'm down at the pub with the lads, having a quiet drink.  Unfortunately, some idiot just coughed everywhere so we have been quarantined. See you in a two weeks!
Beggars don’t envy millionaires. They only envy other beggars who have more.  Bertrand Russell.
New segment:  Gerald's, Andy's and Neil's best meme of the week.
Some of you might already be on Gerald's mailing list or follow Andy or Neil on Facebook. They have the knack of digging up "funnies" to bring a smile to your face, with the occasional one you haven't come across before.  In view of COVID-19 sort of forcing us into a slow down and thus little new stuff to report, I have some additional space... So, here goes:
Gerald's post of the week: "Struggling to get your wife's attention?  Just sit down and look comfortable."
Neil's post of the week: "When I offer to wash your back in the shower, all you have to say is yes or no. Not all this "who are you and how did you get in here?" nonsense.
Andy's post of the week (only read this if you don't mind black humour): (Picture of Winnie the Pooh sitting outside his den): "As much as Pooh missed Piglet, he really did enjoy that bacon sandwich..."