"Many hands make light work" is the old saying... Well, last Saturday, Wheelchair Trust chief Larry Murray's call to help moving timber and other gear, destined for the X-Ray Unit in Vanuatu, was answered by a good number of members. Some came early, so by 9:30 am, the job was done and we all settled in for a bacon, sausage, egg and onion brunch, cooked by 'Onion King' Angus Miller with his usual competence. Picture, from left: at rear: Karen Holland, Paul Seymour, Darrell Brown, Mitch Brown. Front: Ray Higgs, Geoff Croad, President Charles Thomasson, John Chirio, Andy Bell. Also helping were Col Laurenson, Franz Huber and Immediate Past President Mario Fairlie [did you know that he buys his shoes to match the colour of his car? See picture right, taken by your Editor just in time before he closed the door...☺]