North Hill Inn, January 28, 2013

Visiting Guests: C. Jeffreys, P. Olly, J. Wilson, R. McBeth

Visiting Rotarians: Annie K., M. McNickel, S. Harris, R. Miller

Shelley Ralston: Was sad to have missed the RDC “report to the community” meeting.  There were 250 present.

Melody McKnight: The club selected next year’s RIYE student, Steven Lapalme.  He announced that he’s off to Taiwan next year.  The Advocates header “symphony strikes starts today” doesn’t affect the RDSO but maybe they should renegotiate their three year agreement.

Jim McPherson: Announced changes to the June Mac & Cheese luncheon.  The speaker will be Richard P…, a squadron commander who was under the NYC 911 rumble for four hours.  He’s a great speaker.  Organizers are Ray, Ken, Phil, Brian Hamilton.  Date has changed to June 5 at the Sheraton.

Brian Hamilton: Arrived back from a week in Phoenix.

Elaine McFadden: Has a new job at AHS.  She’ll be responsible for “community engagement”.  Her husband Dale is back to Asia on a definite contract.

Ed Hegge: Returned from 12 days in Mexico.  They were fabulous, so was the temperature.  Had $20 left over.

Hillary Boisjolie: Her grandmother fell recently.  She also developed the flu.  She died at 4:00 AM this morning.  Her last words were “it’s been a great life”.

Donna Allard: Celebrated the life of a friend in Calgary.

Robert Lampard: Was delighted to have his son Geoffrey introduce his other son Bruce as the keynote speaker at the Emergency Medicine Retreat in Kananaskis on the weekend.

Ken Johnston: Happy to be back.  Has co-oped the past Presidents to each take a meeting, from now until June.  He had Craig Mackenzie stand and be acknowledged.  His 45 minute hip replacement operation is over.  He’s already walking about.

50/50: Annie K’s ticket was drawn.  So was the joker.  She did well reciting the four way test.

Sergeant Ralston: Quiz tested the audience.  Most got three out of eight of her skill testing questions so didn’t have to pay a toonie.  There are now 6/13 female heads of provinces and territories.

Business: Annie K. noted she’s half way through her year.  It’s going fast.  On her French test she got 25/30, up from 0 at the beginning of the year.  Her ESL marks are 10 points higher too.  She went to Calgary, up the Calgary Tower, and snowboarded with Shelley.

Program: Blaine Newton read the charge to the six new members: Dean, Janice, Richard, Ray, Shelley and Darcy.  Past President Ken said it’s a choice for all of you to “act”.

Next Meeting: Tanner Wells on his year in Japan (February 4), Valentine’s with spouses (February 11), Mac & Cheese for the Royals featuring Ron Chelio - NYC FD (June 5)