How Organizations Deliver BAD Customer Service (And Strategies that Turn it Around)
Aug 25, 2017
Barbara Khozam
How Organizations Deliver BAD Customer Service (And Strategies that Turn it Around)

Today’s consumer views loyalty to a business as a fad, and they also expect everything and then some. The companies that are thriving (and will continue to thrive) deliver amazing customer experiences. Customer service isn’t just about being a department or a policy; it is about creating a culture where customers can’t wait to do business with you, and are excited to refer their friends to you as well.

Barbara Khozam is known around the world for her impactful, high-energy delivery, outrageous wit, and ability to connect with her audience.

Barbara has spoken more than 1,100 times to more than 35,000 people in 9 countries about customer service, leadership, motivation, and communication. And from the millions of people who have been through Toastmasters programs, she is one of just 67 (the 14th woman) who has been awarded the Elite Accredited Speaker Designation for Outstanding Platform Professional Speaking. She is also the recipient of 27 awards for Sales Achievement & Outstanding Trainer Ratings.