We had over 450 volunteers including 100 volunteers from rotary which included representatives from at least 8 different rotary clubs and 2 interact clubs. District governor Lonnie is already signed up for next year.
The Car Show was a huge draw with thousands of people lining the downtown streets to see the gorgeous cars. The bandstand was jamming from 8 am until almost 3:00 pm with people glued to their chairs
The vendors were very happy and we have heard from several it was very successful for them and we already have commitments for next year.



We used approximately2500 pounds of pancake batter

1000 pounds of ham
1000 pounds of fruit
100 pounds of coffee
300 gallons of OJ
21500 pads of butter
And 3000 1/2 pints of milk

All of this was made possible by the Sponsors who donated to the event. Thanks to everyone's hard work we can now tell you what we raised for charity. [Can't wait to hear the final dollar report.]