Meeting opened with Bruce Erickson providing both the Thought-for-the-Day and leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  

President Jay Tung gave us a tour of who he is and where he came from.  Starting In New Orleans and then on to the Air Force Academy.  It was there he met another cadet, MaryLee who became his wife.  From the Academy we followed his career through airplanes flown, bases assigned, jobs held, ranks achieved and schools attended.  Jay retired from active duty in 2007 as a Lieutenant Colonel.
Jay shared a brief video from our Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, the first female to hold that position. We also learned a bit about the meaning and design of this year's Rotary symbol and theme, Imagine Rotary.
We heard from Bruce Erickson in a Will Rogers style musing about history, change and the march of time.
Jay spoke of his goals for his year.  He is planning on one fireside type event a month.  He wants to emphasize our club committees and he is stressing that each committee should be more than a single person leading and doing all the work.  Hopes we will re-engage in the International Youth Exchange by assisting South Rotary with their inbound exchange student by hosting, entertaining or other areas we can help.  
In Happy bucks Past President Kevin Fimon had $5 as he proudly recalls meeting Jay at a Super Bowl party and encouraging him in Rotary.  Denise Runge had $10 for happily moving into her new house after months in a B&B.  Penny May contributed $5 for semi-successfully removing acrylic paint spread into her carpet by a mischievous granddaughter. She’s not displeased that the child went home Monday.  Leverette Hoover donated $50 to cover several milestones.  His parents 71st wedding anniversary, three thriving grown children, his wife of 21 years and maybe a new position with his employer Siemens.   Helena Wisniewski is honored to have been selected as a IBM Distinguished Speaker on the topics of artificial intelligence and emerging technology.  Joe Zimmerman proffered $20 for: #1 the warm welcome our club gave Terry Nelson from UAA, his guest last week; #2 his son who was understood to be making a scheduled call to them from his military assignment in Dubai but was in fact at their front door!; #3 wife Linda has tested positive for COVID but is doing well and lastly #4 Joe is proud to have introduced Jay to our club.  Jeanne Brady put $20 in in relief at having mother-in-law's cancer in remission and the anticipated visit from two children next month.  The final person willing to share and pay for their happiness was Shari Showalter who paid $10 for failing to wear her Rotary pin.