It is difficult, in a few words here, to explain why people join Rotary.

Standard clichés often apply, including:

"I gain far more from being a member than I contribute."

This is said because of the personal satisfaction gained from helping others.

Rotary gives an opportunity for Members to put something back into the community, to help others in a variety of ways and to contribute towards international understanding and world peace.

Great causes addressed by Rotary include world health issues such as the eradication of polio and malaria and the provision of clean water in third world countries, education and training of young people to achieve their potential and providing help to the poor and disabled.

The good works Rotarians can do is limited only by their imagination and the resources that they can bring to bear. Collectively, Rotary brings together the skills and abilities of many people and extensive fund-raising talents.

Fellowship among members is an integral part of Rotary and builds team spirit in the club. This is important to carrying out activities requiring teamwork and also results in close friendships being formed.

Rotarians are rightly proud of their organisation.