South Placer
California Aerospace Museum
3200 Freedom Park Dr
McClellan Park, CA 95652
United States of America

Our annual Aerospace Museum Tour with the Granite Oaks and Spring View Middle School students will take place on Wednesday, November 20, at the California Aerospace Museum, which is located at 3200 Freedom Park Dr, McClellan, CA 95652.  The project will be held in place of our regular Wednesday lunch meeting.  You will find the event timeline below:

Aerospace Tour Project Timeline:

9:30 am – Rotary members arrive at the museum

10:00 am – Buses arrive with students

10:00 am to Noon – Tours

Noon to 1:15 pm – Lunch and presentation (Major Chris “Cross” Rhodes, USAF U2 Pilot will be our speaker)

1:30 pm – Bus departs

In addition to recognizing and supporting the educational opportunities of our STEAM students, this project provides you with the opportunity to interact with our RUSD students and the museum's docents, visit one of the top aerospace museums in the country, and explore the wonders of flight and technology.

You are welcome to join us for the entire project or for lunch and the presentation. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Broadway.