
Dear E-club friends 

Much progress has been made in the formation of our E-club since we first launched our website.

Together with a team of dedicated, experienced Rotarians (past and current),  the help of District 5370 leaders, and learning from the experience of other eClub websites, we have established several guidelines on how our club will take shape and have lots of ideas to work with.

Our Facebook page is up and running and is getting more frequent hits.Please consider joining and post comments.

Our prospective membership list as of  April 12 counts 11 and more will surely follow soon.

Our Interim board consist of the following:

• Elly Contreras – Chair

• Mary Thompson – Secretary

• Al Bergsma – Treasurer

• Bruce Kleeberger – Communication and Webmaster

• Colleen Milner – Program Chair

• Glenn Walker – Membership Co-chair (we are hoping to include one more experienced Rotarian to assist on this committee.

With this excellent team the workload will be divided and we will be able to move our club ahead at full speed.

I am sure you all know the Power of One; If each of us invites ONE other person, we will be getting closer to the 25 members required to charter.

You are invited to participate in a webinars Rotary International eClub experts will offer. This webinar will focus on: how they meet, do service projects and gain fellowship, including discussions of: • How e-clubs attract members • Benefits of e-clubs •...and much more!

With this excellent team the workload will be divided and we will be able to move our club ahead at full speed.

I am sure you all know the Power of One; If each of us invites ONE other person, we will be getting closer to the 25 members required to charter.

You are invited to participate in a webinars Rotary International E-club experts will offer. This webinar will focus on: how they meet, do service projects and gain fellowship, including discussions of: • How e-clubs attract members • Benefits of e-clubs •...and much more!
You can register for two different dates. (Just click in the link below).

 Tuesday 17 April 9 AM (Central Daylight Time, Evanston USA)

Thursday 26 April 3 PM (Central Daylight Time, Evanston USA)

I also suggest to anyone interested in learning more about how an E-club works, to visit the FAQ page of Rotary One; The encyclopedia for E-clubs.

Our group of 11 will soon begin publishing content which qualifies as a regular meeting for members and a Make Up for Guests. If you have ideas for articles or stories, please contact our Program chair Colleen.

Together we can make this happen.

Yours in Rotary

PDG Elly-Contreras

Special Representative of D5370