Posted by Jeff Fine on Nov 29, 2017
The Carson City Sunset Rotary Club is launching it's new community service program to supply and distribute duffel bags with comfort items to kids being entered into the foster care system.
The Carson City Sunset Rotary Club is launching it's new community service program to supply and distribute duffel bags with comfort items to kids being entered into the foster care system.  Working with "Together We Rise" and the Carson City CASA, we will be supplying these duffels to help make this difficult time in these kid's lives a little bit better.  The duffels come from TWR with a hygiene kit, a blanket, a coloring book and crayons, and a stuffed bear.  We will add a couple of clothing items as well before handing them over to CASA for distribution.
This is both a community service program, and a vehicle for increasing our visibility and attracting new members to the club.  Working with the district membership chair, Steve Mestre, and his crowdfunding website "Giving Trail", we are actively looking for people to participate in this with us.  Our campaignis located here;
Please distribute this link to anyone and everyone you can think of, and let's get this thing rolling.