On short notice, Brian Rawlings shared his bio/vocational talk with us as the speaker scheduled was forced to bail. The six guys and 1 guest present were enthralled!
These talks are such a neat way to learn about a member and there is always a 'who would have guessed!' component. Brian is a Certified Management Accountant by vocation but has an extensive list of fields of endevors that include road construction, safety management, landscaping, building vineyards and pizzas, fire fighting and United Way. He hails primarily from the Prairies but is well travelled including a 7 mos hitchhiking experience through Europe in his youth but settled here 4 years ago and is loving it. He loves his game of squash and is good at it. Doug is his sponsor. 

Dennis reviewed the Board Meeting notes and reminds us all of the upcoming events and fundraisers that are now all listed on the website and this bulletin. The upcoming event is the March 31 Rotary Curling funspiel and fundraiser. He advised that all meetings will now be noon sessions, eliminating the once a month evening meeting.

The picture included is of President Cheryle on Saturday night at the hockey game where the Shelterbox tent was displayed (click on it to enlarge). Our club purchases one or more of these each year to aid in international disaster relief around the world. The cost of each one is $1000 and it supplies an extended family of up to 10 people with a tent and essential living equipment while they are homeless. Cheryle and Jim manned the tent and sounds like she attracted some donations...well done guys!

Last regular home season game on Friday and one volunteer is needed to help Brian in the beer garden. Let Shelly know.