We had the pleasure of two members of the Omak Rotary Club come visit our club meeting. Bob gave us an overview on the Omak clubs initiatives. Two of their major events are their annual wine and cheese where they auction off creative desserts and the Omak Stampede. You'll never guess how much money their club raises!!! $30,000 for the Wine and Cheese Auction Event and $9000 just in beer sales from the Omak Stampede. It was great to hear them share areas of focus and to see how many things our communities have in common such as: limited opportunities for youth, water quality, schools needing support. They suggested we request to have the district send out a team to do a Visioning Exercise with our club. Everyone who attended the meeting seemed keen on this idea. Always great to be open to new ideas. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Party tonight at Walnut Beach at 6:00!