What an exciting year 2015-2016 has been!  Thank you to all our Rotary brothers & sisters, along with our guests, speakers, friends and family for helping us all have another successful Rotary Year!  Click the link to go through our year and see some of the things we accomplished.
Celebrating the end of summer with an exciting skeet shoot and social.  Lots of great food and camaraderie on a beautiful day.
Plenty of lively meetings throughout the year, and great celebrations of member achievements along the way.  
We celebrated our dock, which survived the flooding and came out with a nice plaque in the end.
Pints 4 Polio was a resounding success - the 4 Boerne Clubs worked together to raise over $7500 to fight polio, all while having a blast!
Christmas with Santa saw Rotarians setting up decorations, cooking in the kitchen, and giving out presents to over 250 children.
The 2nd Annual Casino Night brought some fresh faces and helped us raise money to benefit our community.
Rotarians got up early to pick up trash for Boerne's Trash Off. And eat tacos.
Various small group projects were done throughout the year, including this one repainting and doing driveway work at the Rainbow Senior Center. And we ate tacos
The Boerne 4 Rotary Clubs joined together to have a spring celebration and enjoy some goodwill and friendship.
Our last meeting of the year involved the Boerne Stormin Robots showing us what they've been up to.
Are Rotarians happy Andrew is no longer President, or happy Joshua is? Doesn't matter, had cupcakes.
Once again, thank you to all the Rotarians for making this year another success!