Paul P. Harris (Rotary International Founder) once said, “Fear and Hate Must Go! And they will go when nations have goodwill based on understanding.” For the world to have peace, we must have mutual understanding; we must share mutual respect; we must have compassion for one another, and we must listen to one another with open minds. As Rotarians, we are part of the bigger world so what we do within our homes, immediate network, and local communities has ripple effects on the world. Let’s seek and strive for peace in our homes, networks, and communities each day. Let’s embody the 4-way test to be the basic guiding principles in our thoughts, and deeds so that there will be peace around us.
You are all aware that the registration for the DualCon 2019 (Annual District Conference) went live on January 1st and the early bird registration discount that ends on February 28th. Please remember to use the discount code - DUALCON2019 when registering to get the discount. Please visit the website ( for all the details with regards to the event!
Our district attendees for the International Convention currently number 48 and we are having a District 6270 dinner in Hamburg, Germany on June 2nd at 8 pm. If you are still planning on attending the International Convention and want to participate in the District 6270 dinner, please contact either Dana Kohlmeyer ( or Sebastian Schmidt ( who is coordinating the dinner.