Fun Run/Walk Challenge - Turkey Trot!

October 12, 2020 - Walk/run or roll laps of Niven Lake Trail - with Yellowknife Multisport Club and Yellowknife True North Rotary Club!
We are excite to announce the much anticipated 6th and final event of the “2020 - 5k Fun Walk/Run Challenge”. This event will be both a Virtual and in person event with the course being laps of the Niven Lake Trail.
Complete 3 or more of these challenges to earn a Glorious Series Medal and the adoration of all your friends and family who lack this experience and medal! The special prize for participants that complete every single event this year will be awarded on October 12! Trust me… you want to get this prize!
While we encourage you to come and participate in person October 12, 2020, this event can be virtual between October 10-12, 2020. Email us to let us know you have completed the event. (
Fun Run/Walk Challenge - Turkey Trot! 2020-09-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Yellowknife True North Changeover Evening

Thursday July 2, 2020, 5:30 p.m. MDT at Rotary Park in Yellowknife.
Come celebrate with us our past year’s achievements and meet our 2020/2021 exec.
Bring your chairs. Due to health measures, we’re not providing snacks and drinks. Please feel free to bring your own.  
Rotary Club of Yellowknife True North Changeover Evening Yusur 2020-06-26 06:00:00Z 0
True North’s Back Bay Cemetery Bridge Project: A Bridge to Yellowknife's History! Yusur 2020-06-26 06:00:00Z 0

Interactive Online Cooking Class (2) 

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Rotarian Chef Ajay returns to teach us a second interactive online cooking class.
Our adventure this time will be Hara Bhara Kebab with Burger Bun with fresh mint Chutney/Green Vegetarian Kebab with Mint Chutney!
A shopping list and pre-class preparations instructions will be sent out in advance.
To register email
Admission is by donation and can be sent via e-transfer with a message that says “Cooking Class 2” to All donations go towards Rotary’s good works in our community.
Interactive Online Cooking Class (2) 2020-04-30 06:00:00Z 0


Join Rotarian Chef Ajay for an interactive online class in Vegan Butter Chicken - Sunday 19 April! Shopping list will be sent out in advance. Admission is by donation - for Rotary’s work in our community. Message any member for details! 🍽🥘👨🏽‍🍳
ONLINE COOKING CLASS! Paul Falvo 2020-04-10 06:00:00Z 0

Join us for coffee!

Are you Rotary curious? Want to help your community? Wondering what we do? Find out over a coffee - online! We have informal coffee “meetings” online most Tuesday mornings at 8amMT. You can even show up in pjs! ☕️👨🏿‍💻👩🏼‍💻☕️🌞
Join us for coffee! Paul Falvo 2020-04-10 06:00:00Z 0

Join our Online Meetings 

In keeping with recommendations from national and local health authorities regarding COVID-19, we’re not meeting in person. But we’re still active and meeting virtually. Rotarians are invited to join our weekly meetings on Thursday at 5:30 PM (MDT).  And we have our virtual coffee meeting every Tuesday at 8 AM.
Join our Online Meetings Yusur Al-Bahrani 2020-04-04 06:00:00Z 0

Soup Kitchen 

Posted on Dec 06, 2019
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It was a cold day, but not too cold for our brave volunteers who dare northern winter!
We served delicious lunch: gourmet chicken soup and paneer vegetarian soup. 
Our annual Soup Kitchen had a great volunteer turnout. Rotary Interact Club (from St. Patrick School) joined us. Their passion to serve the community is phenomenal.
Thanks to all members and volunteers who served today and/or cooked and prepared the delicious soups. Thanks to Salvation Army for offering volunteers space to cook and prepare the food.
Thanks to YK Co-op
and Trevor’s Your Independent Grocers for their donations as well as volunteers at Food Rescue.
Soup Kitchen Yusur Al-Bahrani 2019-12-06 07:00:00Z 0
Back Bay Cemetery Project Update 2019-11-03 06:00:00Z 0

Yellowknife Community Showcase Night

Posted on Sep 11, 2019
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Rotary True North had a table at Yellowknife Community Showcase Night. We had good conversations with community members about Rotary International, our club (Rotary True North) and the work we do. 
Yellowknife Community Showcase Night Yusur 2019-09-11 06:00:00Z 0

Fun Run/Walk 2019 Series 

Posted on Sep 01, 2019
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In collaboration with the Yellowknife Multisport ClubTrue North Rotary organized 2019 summer series of events. The Fun Run/Walk have shown participants new places to run/walk/hike, brought families out to be active together and raised $2,300 for local charities and the Rotary Foundation. 
We would like to invite Yellowknife to celebrate the conclusion of a wonderful 2019 summer series of events. Join us in front of the Legislative Assembly on October 13, 2019 at 9:30 am for the final official organized 5km/3km fun runs/walks this season.
ANY distance you sign up for counts towards your 3 races for a medal if you have 2 events so far.
Thanks to all participants and volunteers. You are the key to the success of Fun Run/Walk events and making them FUN! 
For more information and to register online for the final Fun Run/Walk click here
Fun Run/Walk 2019 Series Yusur 2019-09-01 06:00:00Z 0
Friendship Breakfast Yusur 2019-08-01 06:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit 

Posted by Yusur on Jul 04, 2019
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District Governor Tracey Vavrek visited Rotary True North Club. 

Thanks Tracey for joining us at our meeting on July 4, 2019. 

District Governor Visit Yusur 2019-07-04 06:00:00Z 0
Canada Day 2019 Yusur 2019-07-01 06:00:00Z 0

Check us out!

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Thanks for visiting us at the Trade Show - why not visit one of our meetings - most Thursdays at 5:30pm we are at the Dancing Moose Cafe in Old Town, 3505 McDonald Drive - we'd be happy to have you as our guest! Come on down and find out what Rotary is all about.
Check us out! 2017-05-15 06:00:00Z 0

Lunch with a Bunch

Posted on Mar 15, 2017
We're cooking for Lunch with a Bunch -- so, no regular meeting this week!
Lunch with a Bunch Paul Falvo 2017-03-15 06:00:00Z 0


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We meet weekly Thursdays 5:30pm at Dancing Moose Cafe
- 3505 McDonald Drive in Old Town (also home to Bayside B&B)

Meetings last an hour and include a light meal. $10 for visiting Rotarians. Beer and wine available for purchase.
Curious about Rotary? Come check us out. We would be pleased to have you as our guest for an introductory meeting.
Yellowknife Transit Route C will drop you off
right outside the door at ~5:20pm
Transit directions:

Join us!
WEEKLY MEETINGS - DANCING MOOSE Paul Falvo 2017-02-01 07:00:00Z 0
we're at Paul Falvo's this week mike 2015-11-04 00:00:00Z 0

Summer Deck Meetings

Posted by Michael Kalnay on Jul 02, 2014


Summer Deck Meetings


In order to enjoy our truly spectacular Arctic summers True North Rotary meets outdoors during our short summer – all ten weeks of it – as our meetings move to decks, patios, backyards, and rooftop terraces at Member homes.


Meeting time is still 5:30 to 6:30.

Snacks are provided.

Members are invited to bring refreshments.


Visiting Rotarians, make-ups from the YK Club, and guests are welcome. You can get directions by contacting us through Facebook, by calling Club director Mike at 873-7778 (days) or 920-4440 (evenings), or by contacting the True North Rotarian Host Member:




Host Member


Host Member

July 3

Hil & Mike

August 7


July 10


August 14


July 17


August 21

Janet & Kirby

July 24


August 28

Jeri & Peter

July 31


Sept 4

John (TBC)


Hands-On Meetings this summer will also be outdoors: we are planning barbeques for the Lunch with the Bunchcrowd and the (former) Day Centre clientele.

Summer Deck Meetings Michael Kalnay 2014-07-03 00:00:00Z 0

April 24, 2014. True North Guests' Night

Posted by Cameron Buddo on Apr 15, 2014
Please bring a guest or 2 for an evening with 2 special guest speakers. More to come, but think about who you think would make great Rotarians and invite them out now!
April 24, 2014. True North Guests' Night Cameron Buddo 2014-04-16 00:00:00Z 0

Summer Deck Meetings

Posted by Michael Kalnay on Jul 29, 2013
RTN is out of our regular club space and into the sun for three summer deck parties in August. This week (August 1) at Gord van T's, on the 15th at Cameron's, and on the 29th at Hilary and Mike's. Guests and visting Rotarians welcome. Snacks provided, please bring your own refreshments. Contact Presidnet Hilary or Club Director Mike for details if required.
Summer Deck Meetings Michael Kalnay 2013-07-30 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Hilary Jones on Apr 23, 2013
TRUE NORTH will be doing its training with the SPCA for its future dog walking chores.  So far, twelve brave Rotarians have signed up to be a dog's best friend!
HANDS ON! OR IS IT LEASHES? Hilary Jones 2013-04-24 00:00:00Z 0

President Hilary and PR Director-2-B Michael Bradshaw: Future Club Focus

Posted by Jeromy Ball on Apr 17, 2013

Come one, come all!

Tonight only! Hilary and Mike will share the focus of the True North Rotary club for 2013!

A few weeks ago members of the current and future Executive conducted a Planning meeting and came up with a list of focuses for the upcoming year. We will have a presentation and there will be time for discussion. This is a great meeting to bring potential members to as they will hear firsthand what they can be a part of in the coming year.

See you tonight!


President Hilary and PR Director-2-B Michael Bradshaw: Future Club Focus Jeromy Ball 2013-04-18 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Jeromy Ball on Apr 15, 2013

Thanks again to Jen Bond for setting up some times for you to sell your Ice Device Tickets at Java Roma!

Look for the sign up sheet at this weeks meeting or by email...


NEW ICE DEVICE SELLING TIMES: Java Rma Jeromy Ball 2013-04-16 00:00:00Z 0

THIS WEEK: Classification Talk: Jen Bond

Posted by Jeromy Ball on Apr 15, 2013
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Jen Bond will be speaking to the Club about her Classification: Criminal Law 101 "The Big Bad Wolf"

Jen joined the club in late September and has been an active member ever since. She was sponsored into our Club by Cameron Buddo.  You can catch her around town participating in many different artistic performances from a Poetry Slam to the Monologues a few weeks ago.

This July Jen starts her journey as President of the True North Rotary Club in 2015-16 by becoming our Vice President.

Come join us and see what Jen does during the day…you never know when you might need a lawyer.

I will end with a Lawyer joke…

2 +2 = 4 book says that
2 +2 = 4 teacher teaches that
2 +2 = 4 everyone says that
2 +2 = 5 Politician makes this happen
2 +2 =? Lawyer always asks, what do you want this to be?

THIS WEEK: Classification Talk: Jen Bond Jeromy Ball 2013-04-16 00:00:00Z 0

Two NEW members...just in time for Christmas!

Posted by Jeromy Ball on Dec 20, 2012

Welcome Lillian Brewster and Rick Leslie to the Club. Both have a strong committment to the North and look forward to having even more oppertunies to give back through Rotary. Cheers in NEW Rotary adventures!


Two NEW members...just in time for Christmas! Jeromy Ball 2012-12-21 00:00:00Z 0

True North's February Hands-on at Food Rescue

Posted by Jeromy Ball on Feb 26, 2012
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We had a great time helping Food Rescue with the weekly chore list as our Hands On Project for February! Duties included: peeling, coring of hundreds (seemed like thousands) of apples to make into apple sauce. We also re-wrapped of cheese, bagged tea, made trail mix and separated broken eggs. It was fun to help out and learn more about the incredible work being done at Food Rescue! Thanks Ruby

Picture by Rotarian James MacKenzie

True North's February Hands-on at Food Rescue Jeromy Ball 2012-02-27 00:00:00Z 0

New Club on the Block

Posted by Thandie Vela on Nov 27, 2011


 New club on the block

Rotary Club of Yellowknife True North offers second Rotary option for would-be volunteers

A second rotary club has been chartered in Yellowknife, and by all accounts, there’s room for two of the international service clubs in this city.

Meeting Thursday evenings over appetizers and a cash bar at the Top Knight since May, Rotary Club of Yellowknife True North members have hit the ground running with their volunteer efforts; not in competition, but in harmony with the well established Yellowknife Rotary Club.








New Club on the Block Thandie Vela 2011-11-28 00:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? Jeromy Ball 2011-08-04 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Jeromy Ball 2011-04-14 00:00:00Z 0

Moving To Sunnys for Feb 26 Meeting

Posted by Michael Kalnay

True North will be meting at Sunnys' this week - Thursday Feb 26 - 5:30 start, 6:30 finish.

Sunnys is on 49th Street between Franklin and 51st Avenue.Image

Moving To Sunnys for Feb 26 Meeting Michael Kalnay 0

Summer Deck Meetings

Posted by Michael Kalnay

Summer Deck Meetings

In order to enjoy our truly spectacular Arctic summers True North Rotary meets outdoors during our short summer – all ten weeks of it – as our meetings move to decks, patios, backyards, and rooftop terraces at Member homes.


Meeting time is still 5:30 to 6:30.

Snacks are provided.

Members are invited to bring refreshments.

Visiting Rotarians, make-ups from the YK Club, and guests are welcome. You can get directions by contacting us through Facebook, by calling Club director Mike at 873-7778 (days) or 920-4440 (evenings), or by contacting the True North Rotarian Host Member:


Host Member



Host Member

July 3

Hil & Mike


August 7


July 10



August 14


July 17



August 21

Janet & Kirby

July 24



August 28

Jeri & Peter

July 31



Sept 4

John (TBC)










Hands-On Meetings this summer will also be outdoors: we are planning barbeques for the Lunch with the Bunch crowd and the (former) Day Centre clientele.

Summer Deck Meetings Michael Kalnay 0
Bush Brigade Braves Bugs Beautifying Back Bay Cemetery Kirby Marshall 0
Heritage Project Hilary Jones 0

Why is Spring taking a break?

Posted by Hilary Jones

Just so we can sell more Ice Device Tickets!  At the rate the weather is NOT changing to spring, we will be watching the ice device stay on the lake until June!
For those who have sold tickets, please have your money and stubs to Hilary Jones at the Mine Training Society no later than Tuesday, April 30th, 2013, so that they can be included in the early bird draw on the 2nd of May.
See you at the Top Knight on Thursday!


Why is Spring taking a break? Hilary Jones 0
Here is a look at the NEW True North Trading Banner! Thanks Rotarian James! Jeromy Ball 0
Ice Device 2013 TICKETS ONSALE NOW! Jeromy Ball 0

1st Annual Ice Melt Contest 2012

Posted by Jeromy Ball
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1st Annual Ice Melt Contest 2012

Frame Lake, Yellowknife NT

Spring is just around the corner...we think?!? Soon the snow and ice will be all but a memory but before it goes for good we have something that might help get you in the mood for spring.  Our 1st annual Ice Melt Contest has begun.

1st Annual Ice Melt Contest 2012 Jeromy Ball 0