Christine Mastello
With the aid of several short videos our guest speaker Christine Mastello showed us some of the amazing work done by Southlakes Incorporated, an organisation created by Christine to assist the homeless and disadvantaged.This dynamic, charismatic and enthusiastic lady held us mesmerised by the breath of the activities that she had harnessed to carry out her objectives.
These included Food Bank, volunteer hairdressers operating in 170 locations around Australia, providing clothing and a share your home scheme for homeless women, to name just a few.
During the lockdowns she organised 1600 home deliveries in a 5 month period using 18 delivery drivers. Her hairdressers also provide make up assistance all free of charge and so far 50,000 haircuts have been provided. Reflecting on Christine’s address it seems that she has managed skilfully to co-ordinate some existing outlets with her own initiatives and hence is able to provide extraordinary help to those who really need it. She told us that she has become expert in applying
for grants to finance the operations -a talent that we covert.
Sometimes mere words are quite inadequate in trying to capture the vitality and drive of a person
like Christine, who although she gave deserved credit to her committee and co-workers at Southlakes Inc came across as a unique person whose value to our community is almost beyond measure.
An inspirational evening.
Geoff Spring