Gosford North Rotary - SOKS
(Save Our KidS from Suicide)
SOKS – Benefactor & Beneficiaries Night
Hi to all our supporters 
Benefactors & Beneficiaries Dinner Tickets and Payment
It gives me great pleasure to advise you that the annual GNR SOKS Benefactors and Beneficiaries dinner will be held at:
Mingara Recreation Club on Monday 9th March 2020, from 5.00pm for 6.00pm start.
The evening will feature a two-course meal, entertainment from a young performer, presentations from the young adults who attended our Leadership programs and a report detailing our progress with suicide prevention, highlighting the number of lives saved.
Our special guest speaker is recently retired Detective Superintendent Deborah Wallace APM, NSW Police Force Commander, Criminal Groups Squad and Strike Force Raptor.
We will be pleased if you and your friends could join us for this special night and support our cause. Tickets are $40 per person with table settings of up to ten persons.
Please RSVP to Warren Mills (warren.mills@bigpond.com) by 28th February 2020 with the names of people attending and any dietary requirements.
Other enquiries please phone Warren on 0410634540 or myself on 0411584305.
Tickets must be pre-purchased by 28th February 2020 with payment to: Rotary Club of Gosford North SOKS A/c
BSB 637 000 A/c No. 718 357 063
Please be sure to insert your “Surname” in the payment reference field and send attendees names and dietary requirements via email.