Posted by Greg Hooper
We are looking at forming an Editorial Committee for theTerrigal Times Bulletin.  You will see we use Clubrunner as the platform for preparing the Bulletin, and posting information on our website, and organising our Club to integrate with RI information systems.
We must develop some protocols for how we handle information, as I occasionally receive complaints about our communications both from our members and members of the public.  When we get this group up and working and upskilled with knowledge and aptitude to integrate they various sections of Clubrunner we then can look at harnessing our social media resources such as building up mail lists, and can target specific groups for our projects that will have special appeal to them.  As the slogan goes "information is power" especially in the right hands. 
On this note of centralised and integrated systems we have been receiving a lot off positive  feedback from the various social media groups that we have advertised the upcoming Book Sale as an event.   We hope to develop a target mail list using the Clubrunner feature of grouping contacts that then can be emailed to.  If a recipient responds positively we can capture this information,and use it for targeted promotions.  If they wish to unsubscribe they can do this without us further annoying them.
One job the “Editorial / Social Media Committee” is to explore how we do email broadcasts, and to explore the option of using Clubrunner that has an unsubscribe button for people to opt out.  I know this is a vexed issue for some as we are moving the Club from a paper based / email only platform to a virtual interconnected social media platform /integrated with centralized file storage in the Cloud.   This platform has so much more capabilities and will be more timely to set up, but less time over all?