Strategic Plan

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Rotary’s strategic plan provides the framework for our future, ensuring that we continue to be known as a respected, dynamic organization that advances communities worldwide.

The strategic plan evolves with the aspirations of Rotarians. It is shaped by regular input from members through surveys, focus groups, committees, and meetings, so it can continue to help us achieve our goals.

Read the latest strategic plan progress report.

Our strategic priorities and goals

Rotary’s strategic plan identifies three strategic priorities supported by 16 goals. They represent what Rotarians have asked to be done to ensure a strong and vibrant Rotary going into the future.











Support and strengthen clubs

  • Foster club innovation and flexibility

  • Encourage clubs to participate in a variety of service activities

  • Promote membership diversity

  • Improve member recruitment and retention

  • Develop leaders

  • Start new, dynamic clubs

  • Encourage strategic planning at club and district levels

Focus and increase humanitarian service

  • Eradicate polio

  • Increase sustainable service focused on:

    • New Generations service programs

    • Our areas of focus

  • Increase collaboration with other organizations

  • Create significant projects both locally and internationally

Enhance public image and awareness

  • Unify image and brand awareness

  • Publicize action-oriented service

  • Promote core values

  • Emphasize vocational service

  • Encourage clubs to promote their networking opportunities and signature activities

Our mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Our core values

Our values are an increasingly important component in strategic planning because they drive the intent and direction of the organization’s leadership.

These core values are:


We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organization that provides unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve.


We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries.


We believe Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. We encourage diversity of vocations within our membership and in our activities and service work. A club that reflects its business and professional community is a club with a key to its future.


We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions, and we conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to us.


We are a global fellowship of individuals with leaders in their fields of endeavor. We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As Rotarians, we are leaders in implementing our core values.

Resources & reference