The theme for the month is “World Understanding”:


  What does this actually mean for the average Rotarian or Rotary Club?  From what I have read and have done some research on it means we are to communicate to our local communities what we are doing on an international level. We need to increase the level of awareness locally. How do we support international understanding between cultures and countries?

     If I asked every Rotarian in the District, each of you could tell me of an International Project your club was or is involved with.  

    The questions are:has this been passed along to your individual communities?

     Do we share this information with our friends, neighbors co-workers……we should.

     Rotary is doing so much good in the world. 

     Look at our 6 areas of focus, our peace centers, the 5 avenues of service, and the list goes go on and on.

     Last month was Rotary Awareness Month and this month is World Understanding….don’t they go hand and hand?

     Our communities see and read what we do on a local level. 

     Now we need to tell them what we are doing on a larger platform….the international level.

     I challenge each of you and your club to let your community know what you do on the international level.

     Feb 23 is a special day in Rotary……Do you know why?