Posted by Dick Kisiel on Nov 14, 2017
Suffield Rotary Club Meeting Minutes-November 7, 2017
Opening and Welcome:  President Dick Kisiel opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test and Scott Seabury led the club in “God Bless America”.  
Members Present: Dale Baker,  Jed Dery, Greg DeSantis, Frank DiGennaro, Natalie Donais, Gail Handley,  Richard Kisiel, Jon Kozloski, Luis Lee,  Ken Pascoe, Roger Pratt, Jay Presser,  Scott Seabury, Gordon Stagg,  and Nancy Viggiano.   Attendance: 15/30   50% 
Guests:   Christina Fitch- prospective member sponsored by Natalie Donais.
The clubs holiday party will be held on December 5 with sign up beginning next meeting.  The next student of the month program will be held on November 14.  The club will hold a business meeting on November 21 and the club will hear a presentation from a representative of Suffield Players on November 28.  There was no program.
Events:  HOLIDAY PARTY – DECEMBER 5 – SAVE THE DATE.  The location of the Holiday Party is - LaNotte in East Windsor.  More details next week.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Dale Baker’s was honored with our club’s finest rendition of “Happy Birthday.” 
Blue Ticket Winners: Ken Pascoe has the winning ticket with sides won by Jed Dery and Scot Seabury.
Queen of Hearts:  Greg DeSantis had the winning ticket, but did not select the queen. Next week’s drawing over $700.
Adjournment: Dick adjourned the meeting and Scott led a closing song.