Posted by Vicki on Jul 04, 2018
Meeting at Mai Mai's restaurant brought to order at 5:50 pm by President Margot Swinburnson.
Margot welcomed one of our guests this evening  past President Betty Tully and she offered a toast to all Past Presidents.
Our other guests were Rene Taylor Lowen, Margaret Longdale, Jeanine Brooks, Olivia Hyde, Maggie Flynn and Gwynn Purdy.
Jeannette Wilford, Kay McKenzie and Steve Knoke and Margot Swinburnson are all celebrating club Join Date Anniversaries  and John Topolniski will be celebrating a Birthday.
Margot then welcomed us all to her first meeting as our new club President. She outlined her goals for this year which she sees as an Inspirational Year.  She welcomes all suggestions and thoughts from all members.
There will be a special meeting on July 18th with a visit from our District Governor, Craig Gillis. This meeting will be held at The Sooke Museum at 5:30pm. There will be a meeting of the Board with Craig at Seaparc at 4:00pm on July 18th before the Club Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:46pm