ImageLearn how you can serve your community and meet some great people!
  • Join us for lunch: 12:15 at Village Foods, upstairs.  All are welcome, no membership or invitation required. $15 gets you a tasty hot meal, dessert, coffee/tea, plus an informative speaker and great conversation.
  • Join the club – Membership will expand your personal and professional network, give something back to your community and worldwide, feel like you belong! 
  • Volunteer for Rotary events, such as our annual Auction & Spring Fair, school literacy events, Adopt a Highway clean up, Canada Day Raft Race, etc.  Email us at to find out more!
  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter – hear about club activities and what’s going on in Sooke.
  • Donate an item or rent a booth at the Sooke Rotary Auction & Spring Fair