John Muir (Teaching) Garden Started in 2015
This incredible project, situated at John Muir Elementary, was started in 2015 through the vision of Krista Myers, owner of Rooted Landscaping Management in Sooke. Krista, along with her friend Kathy Gair, approached the Rotary Club of Sooke for funding, and after two years, more than 28,000 volunteer hours and generous financial and in-kind support, the garden is in full bloom! The project, now with an estimated value of $30,000, "Enhances the curriculum at the school," says Principal, Gord Johnson. He says, "It's a natural way to teach students about sustainability and gives them responsibility for something that they can nuture." The Rotary Club of Sooke donated $8,500 in cash to the project and extends appreciation to other donors such as Butler Brothers, Rooted Landscaping, the CRD, District of Sooke and many others. A big club salute to Rotarian, Neil Flynn for spearheading Rotary's involvement and for his countless volunteer hours.
Owner: Kimberly Legeard
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