About Us

Rotary is a worldwide organization that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build goodwill around the world. The main objective of Rotary is service, facilitating camaraderie and networking — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

Please join us! You don't need to be personally invited or nominated to become a member!

Our Club meets Tuesday mornings from 7:15 - 8:30 am at The Embassy Suites Hotel, 10250 E Costilla Avenue, Centennial, CO 80112. We suggest arriving at 6:45 am for breakfast. In the event of a snowstorm, we will NOT meet if Cherry Creek High School is closed.

We welcome you to attend one of our meetings. We are a fast growing club with dedicated, fun loving members of all ages who are from all walks of life. Centennial Rotary is a morning club providing a cooked to order hot breakfast and therefore the cost for non-club members to attend is $20.The first meeting's breakfast for prospective members is complimentary. We think you will find that Rotary membership will enrich your life as it has ours!


Centennial Club History:  Chartered: May 10, 2001

The club was sponsored by the Highlands Ranch Club. Loy Dickinson, District Governor Special Representative, was instrumental in getting the club up and running. Representing Colorado’s newest city, the Centennial Rotary Club’s application for Charter had the fastest acceptance in the history of District 5450 - 48 hours.

Charter night was special and held on July 26, 2001. Events included entertainment provided by Young Music Ambassadors from Colorado, Russia and Taiwan and a silent auction. Past Rotary Foundation Director, Grant Wilkins, was the keynote speaker.


Outstanding Rotarian Award for Each Term
2023-2024 Mary Alice Jackson
2022-2023 Audra Dill (McLarin)
2021-2022: Katherine Henschen Hauff
2020-2021: Tom Gross
2019-2020: Tom Gross
2018-2019: Diana Whye
2017-2018: John Peterson
2016-2017:  Mary Alice Jackson
2015-2016:  Mark Gale
2014-2015:  Maria Elena Thomas
2013-2014: John Berry
2012-2013: Monty Sedlack
2011-2012  Mary Alice Jackson
2010-2011 Andres Osuna
2009-2010 Laurie Christensen
2008-2009 Kent Ostedgaard
2007-2008: Mary Alice Jackson
2006-2007: Barbara Medina
2005-2006: Pete Ablanczy
2004-2005: Greg Cottrell
2003-2004: Bob Slyter & Paul Horiuchi
2002-2003: Roxy Hahn
2001-2002: Marc Garfinkel
Paul Harris Fellows
Active Members
Abeyta, Sandra 
Berry, John 
Berry, Karen
Burkholder, Lance
Butler, Trip
Chipouras, Phil 
Cotrell, Greg
Cragen, Jack
Davies, Nicolle
Earnest, Randy
Elekovic, Radovan
Eunice, Timothy 
Fleck, Karen
Gale, Mark 
Garfinkel, Marc 
Gross, Tom
Hahn Roxy 
Hansen, Vern 
Hauff, Eric 
Heavers, Bob
Henschen-Hauff, Katherine 
Hope, Ken 
Jackson, Charles 
Jackson, Mary Alice 
Johnston, Rob
Mabary, Shirl
McCarty, John 
McLaurin, Matt
Medina, Barbara 
Nielsen, Sarah
Ostedgaard, Kent 
Osuna, Andres 
Peterson, John 
Pye, Randy
Sartain, Cheryl
Smith, Cathy 
Tagtow, Andrea
West, Anne 
Zing, Diane
Past/Honorary Members
Ablanczy, Pete 
Buck, Thomas 
Fritzler, Paul 
Hablutzel, Brad 
Henschen, Hank 
Henschen, Jeanne 
Holschuh, Jennifere
Horiuchi, Paul 
Hunsberger, Jerry 
Mackessy, Kevin 
Meyer, Barney 
Osei Asibey, Samantha
Paller, Mark 
Piercy, Jeff 
Piercy, Mary Beth
Piko, Mayor Stephanie 
Pote, Randy
Shattuck, Donald 
Valley, Hugh
Weber, Jay 
Wonderlight, Joya
Zheng, Jie 
Clark, Callahan Charles 
Clark, Zaid Elinor 
Hahn-Dunn, Alexa
Ostedgaard, Candice
Shattuck, Wesley
Centennial Rotary Club
PO Box 3352
Centennial, CO  80161-3352
Charter Members
Peter Ablancy
Thomas Buck
Laurie Christensen
Marc Garfinkel
Roxana Hahn
Henry Henschen
Kristal Kraft
Kyle Kucharski
William Maguire
Barbara Medina
Bryan Mogg
Kent Ostedgaard
Mark Paller
Jeff Piercy
Bill Prater
Randy Pye
Thomas Pyles
Robert Slyter
Joya Wonderlight
Club Terms
Club Term History for: 2025-2026
President: Matt McLarin
Club Term History for: 2024-2025
President: Michael Tapp
Club Term History for: 2023-2024
President: Rob Johnston
Club Term History for: 2022-2023
President: Tom Gross
President: Trip Butler
Club Term History for: 2020-2021
President: Diana Whye

Club Term History for: 2019-2020
President: Samantha Osei Asibey

Club Term History for: 2018-2019
President: Timothy Eunice

Club Term History for: 2017-2018
President: John Berry

Club Term History for: 2016-2017 - 2 weeks
President: Nicolle Davies

Club Term History for: 2016-2017
President: Randy Earnest

Club Term History for: 2015-2016
President: Randy Pye

Club Term History for: 2014-2015
President: Marc Garfinkel

Club Term History for: 2013-2014
President: Kenneth Hope

Club Term History for: 2012-2013
President: Andres Osuna

Club Term History for: 2011-2012
President: Dhanesh Ruparel

Club Term History for: 2010-2011
President: Randy Pote

Club Term History for: 2009-2010
President: Mary Alice Jackson

Club Term History for: 2008-2009
President: Henry Henschen

Club Term History for: 2007-2008
President: Jennifer Holschuh

Club Term History for: 2006-2007
President: Laurie Christensen

Club Term History for: 2005-2006
President: Roxana Hahn

Club Term History for: 2004-2005
President: Thomas Buck

Club Term History for: 2003-2004
President: Jeffrey Piercy

Club Term History for: 2002-2003
President: Barbara Medina

Club Term History for: 2001-2002
President: Kent Ostedgaard