So what exactly is Rotary?  We wish we had an easy one sentence answer.
The fact is Rotary means different things to different people. At its core, Rotary is an International Service Organization. Rotarians meet several times a month, some clubs have very formal and program-oriented meetings, some are more of a social gathering.
At the end of the day, Rotarians commune around a common cause of Service Above Self. Rotary Clubs seek to improve their communities through volunteer work and fundraising. Most people that take advantage of all that Rotary can offer. They build friendships and relationships that last for a lifetime. Like anything else in life, you get out of Rotary what you put into it.
We urge you to visit, the website for Rotary International. There you can see all the ways we serve around the globe and understand the opportunities that exist for whatever philanthropic passion you may have.
Yours in Rotary, Jeremiah Sensenig, District Governor Nominee, Assistant Governor Area 4 and Past West Reading-Wyomissing President.