Four Way Test Speech Contest
What is the 4-Way Test Speech Contest?
We ask the students, what are you passionate about? And could you persuade others while answering the 4-Way Test questions?
First: Is it the truth?
Second: Is it Fair to all Concerned?
Third: Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
Fourth: Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?
We will welcome two students from Wilson , two students from Wyomissing Area and two students from Conrad Weiser High Schools to compete. Please reach out to Rotarian Deb Brubaker from our club who is coordinating West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club's contest for more information. The club winner will advance to Rotary District 7430 Regional 4-Way Speech Competition.
Regional 4-Way Test
WRWRotary club winner will compete March 22, 2025 in the west regional level contests for additional cash prizes. This contest will be held at Penn State Berks Campus starting promptly at 10am on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Top prize at the regional level is $200 per region. We have 5 regions in our district who will be holding contests simulaneously.
District 7430 4-Way Test
The five regional winners will go on to the final round at the District 7430 Conference on Saturday, April 5, 2025. The contest will start in the morning (time TBD) at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA with top prize for the District level at $1,000!
During our club contest, in between speeches, we will hear from our Students of the Month from Wilson, Wyomissing Area and Conrad Weiser schools.
Contact if you would like to join us.
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