As Christoph Roessler completed his 13-year active-duty career in the German Air Force at the end of June, he was recognized by Germany's Secretary of Defense for his distinguished service.  Christoph was awarded the prestigious Silver Cross of Honor (Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr in Silber).  This decoration is one of the highly esteemed Badges of Honor of the German Armed Forces.  The Silver Cross recognizes "exemplary and meritorious service over 10 years" and "exemplary achievements."
"The award came as a big surprise, which I never would have expected," Christoph said.  The Silver Cross is the highest Badge of Honor that Christoph was eligible to receive.   The certificate accompanying the award is signed by German Secretary of Defense Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.
    Christoph has been stationed at the Reston headquarters of the German Armed Forces Command (GEFORCOM), where he has served with the rank of captain as financial controller and aide-de-camp to the GEFORCOM Commander, Brigadier General Gero L.K. Schachthoefer.
    The good news for our Club is that Christoph and his wife, Stephanie, plan to stay in this area, where Christoph will seek civilian employment and carry out his duties as Club treasurer.