On our July 24th meeting Kristin Jennings gave a wonderful presentation on her recent trip to Peru.  As members of Young Nurses Take Action Kristin, three other Registered Nurses and nine nursing students assisted Project Amazonas by providing medical aid to those living along a portion of the Amazon River.
Young Nurses Take Action was founded in Edmonton in 2011 to encourage engagement and mentorship opportunities among young Registered Nurses.  Among the many activities and projects they have participated in have been six medical volunteer trips.  This latest one involved travelling in a house boat along the Amazon River and making scheduled stops along the way to administer basic medical services to underserved rural communities.  
The on-site logistics for this undertaking were arranged by Project Amazonas, a non-governmental organization founded in 1994 and dedicated to the health and well being of the people of the Peruvian Amazon, as well as the conservation of the Amazon rainforest.  
Kristin admired how well Project Amazonas ran this expedition.  She valued this opportunity to bond with her travel companions as well as those she met throughout the trip.  She was awe-struck by the abundance of unique sights and experiences that Peru had to offer.  Kristin took the opportunity to spend some extra time in the country and walk the famed Machu Picchu trail, which was an amazing experience in itself.
Thanks to Kristin for a thoroughly engaging presentation!