Our international service project this year is to provide an industrial-grade kitchen at a community center in the Tepehua community located near Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico. 
The Tepehua community is the poorest in the Lake Chapala area and suffers from high levels of substance abuse, domestic abuse, high infant mortality, high levels of cervical cancer among women, lack of sanitation, lack of health/dental care, nutritional deficiencies, unemployment and general poverty. The local Rotarians helped create a community center just two years ago and have been instrumental in beginning to help this community raise itself up.
The community center provides a weekly meal (comida in Spanish) to help combat hunger, improve nutrition and gain trust in the community. The number of attendees started at 50 and now is up to 200! They have started a medical/maternal health clinic, dental clinic, hygiene and shower program, sewing classes, English classes, a thrift store/bazaar, counseling sessions, and assist with educational enrollment for children. All services are FREE to the community! The community members have really taken ownership of the center and its programs and help to run things there. They are very invested in the success of this valuable community resource which is a source of pride for the community.

Click here to see photos of the Tepehua Community Center. Please contact Lauren Marquez-Viso with any questions or thoughts.