STARS Scholarship
Mar 27, 2025 12:00 PM
Mia Laustrup
STARS Scholarship

The STARS Scholarship, an initiative of the Iowa West Foundation, focused on breaking barriers to higher education for parents in Pottawattamie County. The program provides scholars financial assistance, personalized career planning, and tailored guidance. The need for this program is evident: According to the 2023 U.S Census Bureau, only 23.4% of Pottawattamie County residents aged 25 to 64 have not pursued education or training beyond high school. In an economy where the majority of jobs that pay livable-wage now require postsecondary education, this statistic underscores the urgency of supporting adult learners. STARS Scholarship meets this challenge head-on, offering a comprehensive program designed to not only help scholars access postsecondary education, but thrive within it. Through rigorous, hands-on educational seminars and one-on-one coaching, participants develop essential skills that prepare them for both academic and career success.