10 Years of Service
It's been 10 years since our club was born. Thank you all for your continued support and dedication. Without you, our list of achievements would never have come to life.
In these past 10 years, we've accomplished:
 - 123% increase in membership
 - $3,056,477.10 raised for fundraising events
 - $500,000 donated to End Polio Now
 - 114 houses built in Africa with Habitat for Humanity
 - 53,456 projects completed
 - 324 sponsorships awarded to youth
 - 6 Christmas parades sponsored
It is truly admirable what our organization has been able to do for our community and communities abroad. Your participation has made a global impact improving the lives of many. So to all our members, we'd like to say:
Thank you!
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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