Left to Right - Club President, Delpha Very, Bell Ringing Volunteers, Paul Desautels and Barbara Schreier, Putnam Rotarian and Interact Advisor, Roberta Rocchetti, and Salvation Army Director of Volunteer Services, Kathy Orfitelli
Salvation Army - Bell Ringing
Kathy Orfitelli, Director of Volunteer Resources, for the Salvation Army for the Northeast CT Service District was today’s speaker.
The Salvation Army was started 150 years ago in London by a Wesleyan pastor who felt that society was a mess and that he had to help people. He quit his job and started collecting money. The Salvation Army has 26 core (brick and mortar) and 37 service units. The service units are run by volunteers who share concerns for their communities. There are two free adult rehab facilities in our area.
Ninety percent of the kettle donations stay in the service area and eighty two percent of the mail in donations. Kathy Peterson at Daily Bread is the point person in the area for the Salvation Army. Her office is at Daily Bread. Monies given out from Salvation Army are meant to help people in a temporary crisis. The primary needs in this area are for utilities. The phone number is now part of the state info line.
At Back to School time, they donated 144 backpacks and $30 gift cards to Payless Shoe store. Kathy thanked Jay S. for allowing them to store kettles at the Putnam Supermarket. Paul is retiring from 30 years of helping with the bell ringing. Karen and Pam thanked Paul and Barbara for all of their work with the teens.
Delpha presented Paul with a Special Appreciation plaque from Rotary for his years of service to bell ringing and community youth. 