DATE:  November 15, 2017
CONTACT:  Karen Osbrey, Putnam Rotary Club, 860-928-1350,
On Saturday, October 28th, as part of an ongoing project to upgrade and beautify Rotary Park, the Putnam Rotary Club, with assistance from a Rotary District 7890 Grant, rolled up their sleeves and put on their gardening gloves to plant 1500 spring bulbs.  The bulbs chosen are all hardy to this region, will naturalize (meaning they will multiply and spread) and come back year after year.  Project coordinator, Rotarian Karen Osbrey, said “the hardest part is waiting for spring.  But it will be worth the wait.”  People can expect to see the colorful display in early spring.  There will be white and yellow Narcissus (daffodils) and blue and white Puschkinias. 
Putnam Rotary Club President, Rick Place led by example and dug right in, along with his wife Mary.   He would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out to help.   Rotarians and family members included Roberta Rocchetti, Jonathan Tremblay and daughters Talia and Kaelyn, Pam Brown and husband George, daughter Emily Brown Mleko and grand-daughter Ava Mleko, Marcy Dawley, Kristin Willis, Anne Miller, Deborah Hoft, Scott Pempek, Gary and Karen Osbrey.   Rotarians were also joined by students from Woodstock Academy and Putnam High School, and the community at large.  From Woodstock Academy, International students included Lucy Chen, Aaron Hu, Jefferson Wu, Khe Nguyen, Tina Dang, Nguyen Cai and Daisy Li.  PHS students Lucas Perry, Jonathan Aier, Selena Cordero, Michayla Rugh and Nathan Barylski joined in the fun.   Dr. Steve Raheb, Earl Rosebrooks, Sue Morrison, Mike Morrill and Betsey Craaco also lent a helping hand.   