Posted by Richard Naumann on Mar 27, 2018
Learning in Retirement (LiR)
Presented by Dr. Bill Brower

You are never too old to learn!

LiR at QVCC provides the means to meet the wide range of interests for mature adults who want to pursue new topics or to revisit interests from the past. Our classes and short courses are designed to stimulate the mind and provide a quality social environment in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

LiR  is an independent, self-governing membership organization under the auspices of Quinebaug Valley Community College. Formed in 1995 with 120 original charter members, membership has grown steadily and now stands at over 400 individuals. Courses and programs are held in the fall, winter, and spring.

Membership and Fees
Membership is open to all. Yearly membership fees cover the period from September 1 through August 31.

Membership is a prerequisite for enrolling in an LiR course or taking part in any other group activities. A nominal fee is charged for multi-session courses and field trips. Each semester there may also be free courses, seminars, and socials.
