Posted by Peter Roaf on Aug 27, 2019
Toastmasters helps people find their voice through training in communication and leadership. Founded at roughly the same time with a similar spirit of service over 100 years ago, Rotary and Toastmasters are exploring how the two organizations can shape the next 100 years in a new, strategic alliance to unlock the great potential of members in both organizations and the world of service. -- photos by Chris Offer
Erik Mathany
Rotary International and Toastmasters are
forming an alliance
Margaret Wong
Irene Forcier, centre, thanks Erik and Margaret
In the spirit of this new global alliance, Erik Mathany and Margaret Wong, both past presidents of the local Deltones Toastmasters Club in Ladner, spoke to Ladner Rotary members on August 27, 2019.
They spoke about how Toastmasters had helped them during their careers and personal lives, Erik in business and Margaret as a young immigrant from Hong Kong with little understanding of English.
They provided an overview of how their club meetings work and provided some advice about public speaking, including these tips.
CONFIDENCE: know your content and be passionate about your topic
POSTURE: Stand up straight with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart, angled slightly outward
SMILING: It puts your audience at ease & makes them more receptive to your message
EYE CONTACT: connect with your audience by looking someone directly in the eye
IGNORE MISTAKES: just keep moving along with your speech. Don't correct yourself or apologize.