Operation Comfort and Care
Jan 07, 2022
Frank Keffer
Operation Comfort and Care

Frank Keffer is VP of Operation: Care and Comfort, and an Army Veteran. He will be speaking to our club on behalf of OCC.  He is a San Jose native and 9th generation Californian. He spent 14yrs in the Army, including just over 13 months in Iraq in 2003/04. While in Iraq, he receivfed his first care package from, Julie, He was  31 years old, a “tough and hardened” soldier, and a San Jose Police Officer... "I didn’t expect a single thing from anyone from the Bay Area outside of my family and friends. I had no idea who she was but I figured this lady was doing her thing, God Bless her, and that was that. I wrote a letter to thank her, and that letter opened the floodgates. Every month after that I received these care packages, 19 of them in the first batch and 5-6 each time thereafter. She got me through 13 months of hell, being my guarding angel."

Seventeen years later, Frank is now VP at OCC and still feeling the joy of what they do. OCC has 3 areas of focus in which they provide support; Care Packages, Tickets for Troops and, what Frank has found to be most important, Adopt a Military Family. OCC is an all volunteer organization, from board member to key volunteer, and NO ONE takes a salary. Overhead, which includes things like salary, rent, and advertising, is a norminal 2%. They are audited by on outside agency and their financials are posterd on the OCC website for anyone to view.