Local Alzheimer Association Manager Aileen Zei gives a general overview of the organization to Rotarians at this week’s meeting.  Zei explained the connection of healthy living for the body as the best way to keep the brain functioning at peak performance to limit the impact of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Association staff member Lisa Bauer walks through steps for healthy living as the best way to delay or minimize the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Bauer brought attention to things like quality sleep, good mental health, physical activity, and nutritious eating.
Addressing Alzheimer's Disease with Healthy Living
Alzheimer’s Association representatives Aileen Zei and Lisa Bauer explained the benefits of healthy living to maintain a healthy brain and minimize the negative impact of Alzheimer’s Disease at this week’s Rotary meeting.  There is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, and studies show it is linked to a family history of dementia.  However,  Zei and Bauer explained how the 100 billion nerve cells in the brain depend on a strong flow of blood from the heart to minimize dementia associated with Alzheimer’s which can be affected by lifestyle choices.
Bauer gave specific healthy living tips to follow:
Get Quality Sleep – Sleeping at least six hours a night is recommended.  Make sure you adjust temperature and noise levels to create your best environment for sleeping.  Shutting down and putting away computer and phone screens can be a big help in getting a good night’s sleep.
Be Smoke-Free – Online resources are readily available and don’t be afraid to seek out professional help to stop smoking.
Take Care of Your Mental Health – Carve out time to do something you enjoy, build breaks in your day, and pay attention to stress levels, anxiety, or depression. 
Be Active – Get your heart rate up.  Simple things like taking stairs and walking through your neighborhood will help.
Eat Healthy – Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Cut down on salt and sugar.  Try using olive oil instead of butter.  Limit alcohol intake.
Exercise the Brain – Try learning a new skill or game. Regularly engage in a hobby.
Bauer invited Rotarians to add their support to Alzheimer’s research.  Details on their programs may be found on their website at
Famous Birthdays This Week
January 15, 1929 – African American civil rights leader Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior is born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.  The third Monday in January is designated a legal holiday to celebrate his birth.
January 17, 1706 – Benjamin Franklin is born in Boston.  Considered the Elder Statesman of the American Revolution , he displayed multiple talents as a printer, author, publisher, scientist, diplomat, and philanthropist.  He signed both the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
January 17, 1942 – Muhammad Ali is born in Louisville, Kentucky.  In 1964, at age 22, he knocked out Sonny Liston to win the world heavyweight boxing championship. His title was taken away from him in a controversy over his conscientious objection status to the Viet Nam War that was later reversed and then he regained the title in 1974 by defeating George Foreman.  In later life he struggled with Parkinson’s Disease and devoted himself to humanitarian causes.
January 18, 1782 – American orator and politician Daniel Webster is born in Salisbury, New Hampshire.  He served in both chambers of Congress, served as Secretary of State to three Presidents, and argued more than 200 cases before the U. S. Supreme Court.
This Week in History
January 15, 1943 – The Pentagon, is completed to house the U. S. military  It has about 6.5 million square feet of floor space with 17.5 miles of corridors.  About 23,000 military and civilian employees work in the building.  For 80 years it was the world’s largest office building until replaced this past August by a diamond exchange building in Surat, India.
January 15, 1559 – Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, is crowned Queen of England
January 16, 1919 – The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution authorizing the prohibition of alcohol is ratified by a majority of states.  It was later repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933, becoming the only constitutional amendment ever to be repealed.
January 17, 1950 – 11 men stole more than $2 million ($29 million today) from the Brink’s Armored Car Depot in Boston, Massachusetts (the largest robbery in U.S. history at that time).  It was almost the perfect crime as the culprits weren’t caught until January 1956, just days before the statute of limitations for the theft expired.  One of the gang’s members agreed to testify against his fellow robbers; eight were convicted and received life sentences, and two died before they could come to trial.  Only a small part of the money was ever recovered.
President – Steve Wilder
President Elect – Jonelle Bailey
Director (President Nominee) – Becky Springer
Director (President Designee) - Matt Nelson
Past President – Brandon Diviak
Treasurer – Dr. Michele Jurkovic
Secretary – Pat Shafer
Sergeant at Arms – Paulette Renault
Monthly Committees
July: Board of Directors
August: Brandon Diviak, Jeff Keicher, Pat Shafer
September: Dave Hamilton, Jeff Jacobson, Jim Stoddard
October: Paul Callighan, Matt Nelson, Paul Stromborg
November: Sue Emberson, Jeff Frank, Phil Meyer
December: Larry Berke, Ray Dembinski, Riley Oncken
January: Joyce Klein, Rob Mondi, Tim Neubert
February: Jonelle Bailey, Becky Springer, Tasha Sims
March: Jim Buck, Chip Houdek, Brendan Wilson
April: Alicia Cosky, Bob Hammon, Jeff Petersen
May: Bob Brown, Steve Kuhn, Heather Tomlinson
June: Paulette Renault, Steve Wilder

Standing Committees

Fellowship: Paulette Renault, Larry Berke, Sue Emberson, Dave Hamilton, Pat Shafer

Foundations: Paul Stromborg, Jim Buck, Sue Emberson, Matt Nelson, Jim Stoddard

Membership: Jonelle Bailey, Ray Dembinski, Brandon Diviak, Bob Hammon, Jeff Jacobson, Steve Kuhn, Phil Meyer, Matt Nelson, Riley Oncken, Jeff Petersen, Bob Wildendradt

New Generations: Chip Houdek, Julie Sgarlata, Becky Springer, Steve Wilder

Public Image: Bob Brown, Paul Callighan, Jeff Keicher, Joyce Klein, Tasha Sims

Scholarships: Tim Neubert, Don Clayberg, Ray Dembinski, Michele Jurkovic, Steve Kuhn, Julie Sgarlata

Service: Brandon Diviak, Alicia Cosky, Jeff Frank, Michele Jurkovic, Rob Mondi, Tim Neubert, Brendan Wilson

Upcoming Events
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Feb. 19, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Feb. 26, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Mar. 05, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Mar. 12, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Mar. 19, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sycamore Rotary Club: Program/Speaker TBA
St. Mary's Parish Activity Center
Mar. 26, 2025
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
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