Dozens of children in Sycamore School District 427 will be receiving brand new winter coats this week, courtesy of our Rotary Club and Operation Warm.
The coats arrived in Sycamore on November 14th, and were promptly sorted and distributed to the various schools.  These coats were purchased through funds raised by our Rotary Club, and acquired from the Rotary-backed project Operation Warm; they are brand-new, stylish coats -- not hand-me-downs or donated old coats -- and they'll help children around the school district stay warm during this upcoming winter.
The remaining coats will be used for our annual Adopt a Family project, and for the Goodfellows; the latter will be wrapping gifts during the month of December at Blumen Gardens.  These coats will be on display at the November 29th Rotary Club meeting.