Every three years, Rotary International holds its Council on Legislation, which examines policies for RI and its member Rotary Clubs to follow.  PDG Bob Hammon was selected to serve as a delegate for this year's meeting, held in downtown Chicago.
He says the preparation work was far more extensive than he'd expected; members had to pass an on-line test and a screening process before being confirmed as delegates.  They then had to follow strict rules of procedure during the four-day conference, which involved hundreds of Rotarians from around the world.  The delegates were required to examine and vote on hundreds of pieces of legislation, all covering the organization and operation of Rotary Clubs around the world.
PDG Bob says this Council may be remembered as one of the most progressive in Rotary history; it granted clubs more freedom in determining their meeting schedule and membership, and updated membership requirements.  The Council did impose an additional dues increase of $4 per year, based on a financial forecast which showed Rotary's cash reserves were just a few years away from falling below acceptable levels.