The July 19th Rotary Club meeting will be devoted to laying the foundation for our main committees this year; seven tables will be set up as stations for those interested in one or more of these areas, and Rotarians will be able to move between each one to offer their assistance, ideas or proposals for this year.
The seven main areas of interest are:
New Generations: Responsible for our youth-centered activities including Interact, Early Act, and Youth Exchange. The committee chair would be responsible for ensuring that each of these areas has a representative that is active and will help our club establish guidelines regarding the club’s role in supporting these activities (both from a financial standpoint as well as a volunteer and logistical standpoint).
Foundation and Grants: Responsible for our charitable giving activities including Polio Plus, the Annual Fund, and scholarship functions. The committee chair would be responsible for maintaining the data on the club’s giving and overseeing grants and scholarships.
Service Projects: Responsible for the charitable works performed by the club. The committee chair would be responsible for big picture planning, maintaining a list of the service opportunities during the club year and working with specific project representatives to make sure that projects are supported and maintained.
Fundraising: Previously part of Service Projects, the fundraising committee would be responsible for coordinating the various fundraisers held throughout the year including the Pancake Breakfast, Hoola-4-Loota, the weekly raffle, and fines. The committee chair would be responsible for setting fundraising targets, identifying new fundraising activities, and coordinating existing fundraisers.
Public Image: Responsible for the marketing and public awareness aspects of the club. The committee chair would be responsible for ensuring that the website and Facebook page are maintained and that club materials adhere to Rotary guidelines.
Club Fellowship: Responsible for the social aspects of the club. This would include the golf outing, holiday party, and other social events to be created by the committee.
Membership: Responsible for new member recruitment, training, and retention.