Oct 13, 2016
Region 16
Oct 20, 2016
State of Texas
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Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Executive Secretary
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Wheels for September 15, 2016


Mike Good provided an entertaining introduction to Leann Jennings, who was appointed the Potter County Treasurer in 2003 and happens to be fellow Rotarian Mike Good’s sister-in-law.  The County Treasurer is the chief custodian of all county funds, including the general fund along with special funds, such as those dedicated to a certain purpose and those under the control of an elected official other than the commissioner’s court.  Everyone present was impressed with the Treasurers dedication and commitment to perform her duties.   All county money received by any official must be delivered promptly to the county treasurer for proper handling.  The county treasurer is responsible for disbursing county funds as directed by the commissioner’s court consistent with the law and often acts as a chief liaison between the county and all depository banks.  In this capacity, he or she maintains records of all deposits and withdrawals, and reconciles all bank statement, thus assuring the accuracy and safety of county funds.  All disbursements including insurance claims, payroll to the 600 +/- county employees, benefits and all debt payments flow through the county treasurer office. 
The Treasurer, who is also designated as the county’s investment officer is required to submit regular reports to the commissioner’s court. The County Treasurer actively serves on the Bail Bond Board.  The Treasurer has ultimate authority over the operations of the office, including the authority to hire and fire personnel and direct their daily activities.  The Treasurer determines how to use all other resources allocated to the office during the budget process.  Potter County has a population of 121,073 with a median household income of $34,827 as of 9.1.2016.  The Counties expenditures for 2015-2016 have been 27% to Corrections and Rehabilitation, 26% Judicial, 17% Public Safety/Public Service, 12% General Administration with the remaining areas of Facilities Maintenance, Road & Bridge, Debt Service, Health & Human Services, Capital Outlay and Election Administration being below 5% each.  The projection for General Fund balance at fiscal year end (9/30/2016) is $20,751,995.43. 
In 2017 the County Judge and Commissioners working with the auditor approved a 0.66402 tax rate per $100 taxable value.  This is an increase from the prior rate; however, 63% of tax payers will effectively have no increase.  Mrs. Jennings said that during 2017 the remaining debt of $4.8 million, used to renovate the court house, will be paid off.  The next large project anticipated is the construction or renovation of a District Court Building in the cost range of $25 million.  When asked if renovation or new construction would be done.  The Treasurer stated that all estimates show that construction of a new building will be more financially viable. 
New Member Introduction:  Daniel Martinez, introduced Jerry Morales, Classification, General Law.  Welcome to our family.
Ticket Drawing:  There is $ 849.00 in the pot and it continues to grow. 
David O’Dell, President- presided over the meeting, Invocation was led by Rocky Gafford, classification Custom Pizza, Daniel Martinez led the opening ceremony which included singing God Bless America and led the pledge to the American flag, Introduction of guests and visiting Rotarians was led by Heather Conkle classification Real Estate.  Guest present was William Boyce, visiting Rotarian from Amarillo West Club Thank you to Dale Bippus and Gail Bram for greeting, Lea Ann Fulton- ticket sales, Kevin Gandy – Wheels, Melvin Edes for providing free beef jerky, Rocky Gafford for providing a free pizza and Gina Rodriquez for taking care of everything else.
Quote:  “Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy”.  Author- Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 1803 - April 1882) Philosopher, Poet, Author, Essayist