Jai Shah is 30 years of age, studied Computer Science with management in Kings College, University of London. Jai has nearly 10 years of experience in the management field, business development, and analyzing market trends. He is currently the operations director of Sita Steel Rollings Limited where his roll is to liase with suppliers for importing raw materials and steel products, overlooks all supervisors, increases outputs and performance of machinery, and organizes production to ensure effecient supply and maximum productivity. All in all, his classification being manufacturing. 

Jai also likes to travel, scuba dive, swim, golf and likes to read. He speaks fluent english, Kiswahili, Gujurati and Hindi.   

Jai has shown keen interest being part of Rotary and to serve above self. His work collegue being Vikash Shah (Rotarian at the Oyserbay Club). Jai has also donated 1M towards the Marathon under Sita Steel Rollings.

His CV has been uploaded under Club Documents.