You are invited to the Highlight of this musical season!
Pianists Tal & Groethusen (at the Goettingen festival)
You are not only invited to participate personally but also to ask your family and all your friends to be part of this event.
at the Herkulessal of the Munich Residence 
The Concert of Yaara Tal and Andreas Groethuysen
on December 6., 2015 at  7.30 p.m.
Download the programme!
We very much hope that most of you will find the time to reassemble to spend an enthusiastic applause in front of this famous piano-duo.
Frank Hagena
Orlandus Lassus Foundation
Order your tickets here:
Orlandus Lassus Foundation:
Frank Hagena
fon: 0172-8705386 
Konzertagentur Paul Lenz:
fon: 089-395934
(keyword:“Orlandus Lassus“)
PS: According to the german law we had to change the process of donating for the Orlandus Lassus Foundation.
Please mention the keyword „Orlandus Lassus“ if you register via the Paul Lenz Konzertagentur to make sure
that your ticket order will enhance a donation. If anybody orders ticket directly at Lenz without mentioning „Orlandus Lassus“ we don't get the donation!!!