The BASAR 2014 on 11 April was a big success! The turnover increased by more than 25% from 8000 Euros to 10.400 Euros! (minus costs of 1400 €)



Thanks to a great support regarding the PR+media (friends Schwingenstein and Davis) we were able to attract many more interested buyers than last year. 


Thanks to great donations from Konen, Lodenfrey , Rischart and 20 original EM-footballs and T-Shirts from Adidas (friend Schäfer), we started pretty well stuffed. Friend Véquaud turned out to be a star-buyer and big supporter: he bought 7 footballs - 70 € each! - even before the bazaar! And 2 footballs when the bazar finished :)


Thanks to a great team, especially to our young friends from Roteract Munich International, the preparation the day before the bazaar went excellent. A welcome break was the "Leberkäs-Semmel-Jause" arround 8 pm! The bazaar itself started quite crowded in the morning around 8.30 am, people were already waiting in front of the door. Highly estimated was the Cafeteria with it's highly professional team and fantastic, homemade cakes from our friends. Cafeteria-revenues went up to 500 Euros : ). - Not to forget our voluntary, non rotarian helpers (around 10!), which contributed essentially not only to our bazaar result but also to create a warm and friendly atmosphere.


Once more many thanks to every member of the Bazaar team! Without you this success would not have been possible.


The BAZAAR Donations will go to:

Part of the revenue of 10.400 € we donated to Roteract International (750 €). The MÜNCHNER TAFEL will get 5000 € and also the VON HAUNERSCHE KINDERKLINIK will get its share (arround 3000 €).

Counting on you for the bazaar 2015!


Yours in Rotary

Tatjana Anderer