April 13, 2018
ATTENDANCE:  Rich Bedell, , Annie Hanson, Marv Mills, Brad Jagger, Dave Renninger, Doug Dotterer,  Christina Gary, Bob Oborn, Annette Oborn, Ray Evans, John Pribonic and Andrea Denton
MINUTES:  The minutes were approved with a motion by Christina and a second by Marv
Treasurer’s Report:
 There is over $230 in the weekly raffle pot.
 We have $42,000 in our bank account 
  Awards of $200, $150 and $100 were given to the three top winners in the Four-Way Speech Contest.                                              
                 $5000 was given to the CAMO Project and $700 to the Cluster Project.
                Christina moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted.  John seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
501(c) (3) Progress
Although we do not yet have the final approval, it is okay to promote our golf outing as accepting donations as part of a 501(c)(3) organization.  The Foundation bank account will be opened this month.  Next year we will need two budgets, one for the club and one for the foundation.
Golf Outing   
Ray reported that the registration and sponsorships forms are available.  He is pleased with the sponsorships so far but we still need additional tee sponsors at a cost of $100.00 each.  We have 24 golfers registered so far.
Christina reported that the committee has met and that $6000 in scholarships will be given out.  There will be three $1000 recipients, three $500 scholarships, and one career tech $500 scholarship in addition to the Bucky Burger scholarship.  They will be presented on May 22nd.
Donations:  Marv stated that one request had been made, but that it had been turned down by the committee.
Cluster Project:  Annie reported that the Cluster approved our proposal of the grief kits, however they want to see a kit.
FOUNDATION: (Jeff Wagner)
There was no official Foundation Report.  However it was suggested that perhaps Ron could suggest another Rotarian who could fill in for him when he is out of town.
District Conference
               Bob reported that on April 28, the Saturday of the District Conference, that 7 new Interact Schools will be introduced.
               District Interact hopes to raise their project up to the $30,000 level at the conference.
               Annie stated that the club contributed to a district raffle basket, as part of the Cluster  
Interact Banquet
The banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 17 at Silver Lake.  About 64 Rotarians and Interact students and their parents will  be present. Roger Cram will be the speaker.  Two RYLA scholarships will be presented.
ONGOING PROJECTS: (Dave Renninger)
Salvation Army Bell Ringing:  We need a new leader for this project.
Adopt-A-Spot: Marty Tass will continue as chair.
Foodbank Numbers are down but hopefully will go back up.  Participation from Interact will be encouraged.
Ronald McDonald House: The date for serving our next meal will be June 8th
Membership: Dave raised concerns about several people who have not been seen for a while.  Members of the board agreed to contact some of those individuals so see if there is a particular reason for their absence and if we can do anything to be helpful. 
PUBLIC RELATIONS:  (Annie Hanson) 
Community Showcase.
Annie reported that the Showcase went very well and that several booth visitors expressed interest in Rotary.  We hope to see some of them as a result of the free breakfast card.  However, Annie feels that we need to do something about our display since it is  large, cumbersome and not easily transported.  The board discussed the possibility of a pull-up banners and Doug volunteered that the marketing person from the library could work with Annie to establish a plan. 
Fourth of July Float: We need a vehicle to use for the Fourth of July parade.
President Elect: Carrie Leising has agreed to serve as President-elect to serve for the 2019-2020 Rotary year.  The board supported the decision.  This will be announced at next Wednesday’s meeting.
Heroes’ Day 
John reported that on Saturday, May 5th Rotarians will meet at 8:30 at the shelter outside of Oregon Trails for breakfast.  Following that there will be an assembly line to fill 60 pots with red, white and blue flowers.  Flags donated by the VFW will be placed in the pots.  The teams will deliver to 3-4 homes to thank 60 heroes from the police, fire and veteran’s organizations to thank them for their service.  An ad in the Stow Sentry that weekend will also thank them for their service.  If this project is successful, even more heroes will be recognized next year.  Those who received yard work in the past have been notified that a different plan will be in place this year.
Fire Fighter Sweatboxes 
As a follow-up to a past discussion by the Board, John reported that John, Mike Dunton and Carrie Leising will be meeting with firefighters in June to further discuss the project.  The plan is to have a fundraiser in September that would involve other community organizations as we need to raise $40,000 for the boxes.  Mike, Carrie and John will be speaking to groups about the need for the project.
The Rubber Duck tickets are in and will be given out as payment is made.  The event is July 21st.  Cost is $13.00 per ticket.
After a motion by Dave that was seconded by Christina, the board voted to adjourn the meeting.
Submitted by Andrea Denton